7 Ways to Overcome Obstacles

1.       Understanding the Goal- Many times when we begin a project or event we tend to first look at what is needed to make the event big or grand. We want to make the event different then before to have a big impact. Impact on what? What is the primary goal? Write out the goal on top of your planning sheet to ensure that you don’t lose sight of what the purpose.

2.       Make sure you know EXACTLY what is expected- Whether a project is assigned or started, clear expectations are needed. Assumptions are our biggest obstacle when you don’t fully understand what is expected for the project.  Make sure you know is heading it up, what are your responsibilities, and is there a timeframe that the project needs to get done.

3.       Make a plan- Don’t procrastinate and just plan the event a day before. Our ministry deserves our fullest attention and should be a priority just like a job is. Keep a journal for your events or projects at the beginning of the year and write down ideas as they come along. Have a plan set at least a month in advance to ensure that all details are squared away.

4.       Utilize your team- Being a perfectionist can be a good and bad thing. Don’t allow it to get in the way of using your team. Teach them what you expect and give them CLEAR guidelines to help you accomplish your goals for the ministry.

5.       Communicate- The same way you need to know what is expected of you for the ministry, your volunteers also need to know what is expected of them. When planning make sure they know what is needed from them and specific details to get the job done. Have one on one sessions with them to make sure you are all on the same page.

6.       Analyze your results- Whether it’s an event or simply your times of fellowship, analyze the results. Was your goal met, did everything run smoothly, did something go wrong? Make it a habit to meet with your team regularly to answer these questions.

7.       Reflect and make the changes- One thing that I always due is reflect. What can I do to be a better leader to motivate and encourage? How is my attitude?  Although we strive to do everything with LOVE, we are also human. We will make mistakes, but the important thing is to be aware of those times and make every effort to do better. 

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